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Quantity On Hand: 57
Uses 24 digit A/D adapter chip for accurate weighing, with 2-CH analog input and 128x gain programmable amplifier - input circuit can be bridge sensor.
ID: 10782   Your Price: €3.50
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Quantity On Hand: 23
Rated load 1 kg, operating voltage 3-12 VDC, dimensions: 7.5 cm x 1.27 cm x 1.27 cm.
ID: 10784   Your Price: €4.38
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Quantity On Hand: 32
Rated load: 5kg; rated output: 1.0 ±0.15mV/V;working temperature: -20~60 C; working voltage: 3~12 VDC.
ID: 10817   Your Price: €5.18
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Quantity On Hand: 21
Rated load 50 kg, operating voltage 5V, dimensions: 3.4 cm x 3.4 cm x 0.8 cm.
ID: 10786   Your Price: €2.10
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Quantity On Hand: 9
At the end of the sensor is a round force-sensitive resistor (10 mm in diameter), the resistance of which depends on the pressure applied to this resistor (max pressure is ~20 N). Simply say, the greater the pressure, the smaller the resistance. However, the output of this sensor is not strictly linear, so it's not recommend for accurate measurements. FSR comes with module board which simplifies the usage and can output both analog or digital signal. The digital signal threshold can be adjusted via the potentiometer on the module. It works with both 3.3 and 5V logic.
ID: 12606   Your Price: €8.60
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Quantity On Hand: 10
At the end of the sensor is a round force-sensitive resistor (10 mm in diameter), the resistance of which depends on the pressure applied to this resistor (max pressure is ~50 N). Simply say, the greater the pressure, the smaller the resistance. However, the output of this sensor is not strictly linear, so it's not recommend for accurate measurements. FSR comes with module board which simplifies the usage and can output both analog or digital signal. The digital signal threshold can be adjusted via the potentiometer on the module. It works with both 3.3 and 5V logic.
ID: 12607   Your Price: €8.60
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Quantity On Hand: 10
At the end of the sensor is a round force-sensitive resistor (18 mm in diameter), the resistance of which depends on the pressure applied to this resistor (max pressure is ~100 N). Simply say, the greater the pressure, the smaller the resistance. However, the output of this sensor is not strictly linear, so it's not recommend for accurate measurements. FSR comes with module board which simplifies the usage and can output both analog or digital signal. The digital signal threshold can be adjusted via the potentiometer on the module. It works with both 3.3 and 5V logic.
ID: 12608   Your Price: €6.80
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Quantity On Hand: 13
Brand: Adafruit
This conductive material (also known as "Velostat" or "Linqstat") is a nice addition for your wearable/sensor hacking toolkit. It's pressure-sensitive: squeezing it will reduce the resistance, so it's handy for making flexible sensors.
ID: 10383   Your Price: €7.57