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Quantity On Hand: 21
HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor distance measuring module with detection range 2cm - 400cm, accuracy 3mm, I/O logic voltage 3.3V/5V.
ID: 10680   Your Price: €3.85
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Quantity On Hand: 14
ToF distance ranging sensor, 2-100 mm (up to 200 mm in good lighting conditions), 3-5 V power and logic, I2C communication, dimensions 20.3x17.7 mm.
ID: 12268   Your Price: €8.00
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Quantity On Hand: 3
Brand: Adafruit
The sensor contains a very tiny laser source, and a matching sensor. The VL6180X can detect the "time of flight", or how long the laser light has taken to bounce back to the sensor. Since it uses a very narrow light source, it is good for determining distance of only the surface directly in front of it. Range is 5 to 200 mm. This is new STEMMA QT version of this breakout.
ID: 11952   Your Price: €21.90
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Quantity On Hand: 3
Brand: Adafruit
The sensor contains a very tiny laser source, and a matching sensor. The VL53L0X can detect the "time of flight", or how long the laser light has taken to bounce back to the sensor. Since it uses a very narrow light source, it is good for determining distance of only the surface directly in front of it. Range is roughly 50 to 1200 mm, and it also includes a lux sensor.
ID: 11092   Your Price: €26.00
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Quantity On Hand: 20
Simple Time-of-Flight laser ranging sensor, range up to 2 m (depending on light intensity and object reflectance), 1 mm resolution, +/-3-10% accuracy, I2C communication, working voltage 2.6-5.5 V, size 25x12.2 mm.
ID: 12682   Your Price: €8.80
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Quantity On Hand: 8
ToF distance ranging sensor, 40 mm to 4 m, 3.3-5 V power and logic, I2C communication, dimensions 10x25x5 mm.
ID: 12269   Your Price: €12.00
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Quantity On Hand: 37
Infrared human presence sensor, adjustable sensitivity and delay (0.3sec - 10 min), operating voltage 5-20V, output level 3.3V high, 0V low, detection range up to 7m (cone angle <120°), working temperature -15°C to 70°C.
ID: 11651   Your Price: €2.90
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Quantity On Hand: 68
Infrared obstacle avoidance sensor is used for smart robot cars, for collision avoidance and line following. Adjustable 2-30 cm range, 3.3 and 5 V logic level.
ID: 11347   Your Price: €3.00
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Quantity On Hand: 5
Brand: Adafruit
The VCNL4200 is a powerful two-in-one sensor, with a proximity sensor that works from 0 to 1.5m (59 inches) and light sensor with range of 0.003 to 1570 lux. It's the longest-range IR distance sensor, other than the Sharp Analog distance sensors. It comes with EasyC/Qwiic/Stemma QT for easy I2C connectivity.
ID: 12674   Your Price: €11.50
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Quantity On Hand: 10
This sensor allows you to calculate rotational speed of motor or count pulses between sensors (there is a 5 mm wide gap). In case of obstacle the digital output is HIGH, with no obstacle it's LOW. LM393 voltage comparator outputs signal to analog output pin. Working voltage is 3.3-5 V, board dimensions 32x14 mm.
ID: 12347   Your Price: €1.20
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Quantity On Hand: 108
Plastic disc for optical speed encoder and TT DC motor with 3.5x5.4 mm axis, 20 slots, 26 mm diameter, 3.6 mm thickness.
ID: 12348   Your Price: €0.20
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Induction proximity sensor, PNP type (NO), detection range 8 mm, operating voltage 6-36 V, output current max 300 mA, dimensions M18x70 mm, cable length 1.2 m.
ID: 10886   Your Price: €7.50
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Quantity On Hand: 22
Induction proximity sensor, NPN type, detection range 4mm, can be used for 3D printer bed autoleveling. Operating voltage 6-36 V, output current 300 mA, dimensions M12x60 mm, cable length 1.2 m.
ID: 11672   Your Price: €6.00
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Quantity On Hand: 10
Induction proximity sensor, NPN type, detection range 8mm, can be used for 3D printer bed autoleveling. Operating voltage 6-36 V, output current 300 mA, dimensions M18x70 mm, cable length 1.2 m.
ID: 11673   Your Price: €6.00
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Quantity On Hand: 5
Brand: Soldered (e-radionica)
The APDS-9960 is a small sensor that measures four things at once. It is possible to recognize the movements you make in front of it (up, down, left, right) and it can identify the vicinity of the object, so you have two more movements: to the sensor and from the sensor. In addition, it has an ambient light sensor and a color sensor which gives red, green, and blue (RGB) colors as output.
ID: 12250   Your Price: €6.50
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Quantity On Hand: 4
Brand: Adafruit
When connected to your microcontroller it can detect simple gestures, return the amount of red, blue, green, and clear light, or return how close an object is to the front of the sensor. This device uses an I2C interface and STEMMA QT/Qwiic/easyC connectors, so it's easy to wire up and use. Works with both 3.3 and 5V microcontrollers.
ID: 11872   Your Price: €12.50